Monday, April 6, 2020

Grocery Shopping

I never imagined food would be a luxury.  Heck, who could imagine that toilet paper, paper towels, and soap would be a luxury?    Since March14, when I realized we had two rolls of toilet paper, finding food we need has been a challenge.  Because we are so rural, we don't have many options.  I will only go to our local grocery store, Brookshires.  It's always been my preferred place to shop but now even more so.

I made my list last night.  It's a family affair making a grocery list.  We all go to the kitchen and talk about what we want to eat for the next two weeks.  Then we take turns looking at what we have left and deciding what we need.  We add those things that we've been looking for that we've never found.  Right now it's turkey to slice for lunch meat and paper towels.  Meals are planned and the list is made.  Then we all look at each other, "What am I going to do about a mask?" Mike says he has a Jack Daniels bandanna and laughs.  Zach asked about those masks we had when we put in insolation.  Bingo!  We still have some.  I mean who knows if it will do anything but hopefully it's better then nothing.

So the list is ready and the mask is waiting.

Mike says maybe he should be the one to go.  I asked, "why, what difference will that make?" "Why should you be the one to go," he asks?  He wonders if we should both go.  No, they only want one per family and no kids.  So I think that today is Sunday, they haven't had a delivery since Thursday so this is a stupid day to go shopping.  I won't get a lot on my list and will have to go back.  I'll wait until Tuesday.  We can make it a few days without fruit.  We have food for tonight.  

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